About Us
We assist our clients as they address management challenges from the strategic phase, through successful implementation. AVIV DNA based on proven abilities to bring the organization to result oriented breakthrough.
About us
Our project managers combine managerial capabilities, professional experience and proven methodologies in the fields of operations and civil engineering. We have a proven track record in mega-projects in a variety of verticals, including industry, governmental agencies and transportation.

Comprehensive project planning solutions, providing end-to-end support throughout the project and a one stop shopping for our client’s needs throughout a spectrum of expertise, including engineering, architectural and environmental.

Provide industrial factories, governmental agencies and the public sector innovative solutions in various environmental fields: waste management; air-quality control; environmental surveys; green architecture; statutory planning; urban planning; mapping and geo-information–and more.

Managing projects end-to-end requires advanced methodologies and expertise regarding the clients’ work environments. Together with our engineering know-how, we provide our clients customized solutions, based on optimal resource usage.